Friday, November 22, 2013

A Great Friday

Here we are, back in Lucas Oil Stadium getting ready for the evening program. Today has been wonderful. The kids enjoyed the morning session in the stadium before attending the workshops of their choice. We took a break from the conference to seek out a quiet, good dinner before the evening's session. Now we will hear our speakers and musicians before retuning to the hotel around 11:30. 

Again, for more photos and such click the Rebel Mouse button on the right. 

Good Morning from Indy

As I am writing this on my phone, please forgive any mistakes.

The wireless at the hotel is having problems. To see photos and bursts of information please click on the Rebel Mouse link on the right. It will take you to a page hat will have our photos and tweets in real time. 

Say a prayer for us to day that we remain safe, dry (it's raining), and are blessed in our experience. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An NCYC Experiment

We're less than 24 hours from departure. To make things easier for those who may wish to follow our Twitter and Instagram feeds, but do not have accounts, we're experimenting with a new option. This site will pull all our Tweets and photos that we post to Instagram into one place. You do not need to have any knowledge of or account with a social media site. Just use it like any other site.

Our bus leaves at 8 am from the front of the church tomorrow morning - say a few prayers for us!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Getting Ready...for Indianapolis!

The teens are gearing up for another trip. This time we are joining 23,000 other teens in Indianapolis for the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC).

From November 21-24, we will hear amazing keynotes, attend workshops, work on service projects, and have an incredible experience.

Please pray for our teens and their chaperones as they prepare and attend NCYC.

Also, watch this blog and the social media links on the right hand bar for updates while we are at NCYC!